Miss Harry's Class

In Room 20 we are learning to be independent and make responsible choices.

Congratulations Receptions on participating in your first Sports Day. There was lots of persistence, cooperation and fun! Thanks to all the adult visitors for helping out, it’s a big day and all the children are to be proud for having a go.


Sharing Week 9:
Numbers, numbers everywhere. Please bring something that uses numbers. Eg a timer, story book, song, clock, picture you have drawn, etc.
You could go on a number hunt around your house.

Week 10:
Student-led conferences begin after school throughout Week 10.
This opportunity is for your child to talk about their learning journey so far at school!
Thank you to those families who have already followed the online process to book a time. Please see me asap if you have misplaced the conference booking form.
Miss Harry 😀

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